Protecting privacy

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Protecting Your Privacy Online: Essential Tips


Exploring various methods to enhance your online privacy.

Utilize Multiple Email Addresses

Separation of Accounts: Consider having distinct email addresses for different purposes, such as banking, work, and personal use.

Manage Social Media Settings

Adjust Privacy Settings: Review and modify privacy settings on social media platforms to control the dissemination of personal information.

Selective Visibility: Decide whether you want your profile to be accessible to everyone or limited to approved contacts.

Use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

Enhanced Security: Install VPN apps on your devices to protect against potential hacks, especially when using public Wi-Fi networks.

Anonymous Browsing: VPNs scramble your IP address, safeguarding your location and browsing activity.

Opt for Private Browsing

Anonymity: Utilize private browsing or incognito mode to prevent your browsing history from being tracked, particularly on shared networks.

Enable Device Tracking

Locate Lost Devices: Enable device tracking features on mobile phones and computers to retrieve lost devices and track their location.

Use with Caution: Exercise discretion when sharing your location, and review permissions regularly to prevent unauthorized tracking.

Be Mindful of Social Media Posts

Travel Announcements: Avoid announcing your holiday plans on social media to minimize the risk of burglary or identity theft.

Protect Personal Information: Refrain from sharing sensitive details that could compromise your security, such as home addresses and travel itineraries.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 5 LO 14.2